Winston had always been a big proponent of new beginnings.
Roland took dieting very seriously, but his weight loss was a little uneven.
Cassandra had a lot of admirable skills, but shaking hands wasn’t one of them.
Calvin had very little use for a traditional toothbrush, but always seemed to find one in his Christmas stocking every single year.
Andrei was an avid conspiracy theorist, but tended to suspiciously steer the conversation in a different direction whenever aliens became the topic.
Gene took eating very seriously, especially this time of year.
Corey and Bret couldn’t agree on much, especially when it came down to what video game to play.
Joshua hadn’t been to the dentist in a hot minute, and it showed.
Justin loved trick ‘r treaters, but never seemed to grasp why they weren’t too keen on coming very close to collect their candy.
Ewan was reprimanded as a child so many times for pointing that it was a criticism he didn’t really register anymore.
Hal had a bad reputation for silently staring more than engaging in any meaningful conversation.
Linda kept a much closer eye on her neighbors than they were reasonably comfortable with.
Ernie could actually be pretty sweet despite his somewhat feisty demeanor.
Ceice always felt like she was smiling in photos, even if no one else ever perceived it that way.
Quint never needed an air hockey partner when he was always far more challenged playing against himself.
Elliot couldn’t help but take it personally whenever his friends invited him out for seafood.
Warren had a bit of a reputation for being a complainer, but most folks loved him anyway.
Nelson didn’t need eyesight to be the baddest dude on the block.
Paddy wasn’t the brightest, but most rulers set the bar pretty low so he was actually pretty decent at his job.
Theo made most people pretty uncomfortable, but was honestly a pretty nice dude if you got to know him.
Robbie was usually the loudest friend at every social gathering.
Wally was very well-educated with qualified opinions, and didn’t appreciated being overlooked for not having hands.
Mark spent most of his time feeling pretty lightheaded.
Oswald was a wonderfully courteous dinner patron even if he did always require two placemats.
Jim sincerely hoped that he would one day be known more for his accomplishments than his eyebrows.
Nathan knew his way around the grill, but tended to get a little incensed whenever his guests questioned the lack of hot dogs.
Penny supports bodily autonomy.
Gus had a bad habit of sneaking up on everyone he knew, even if he didn’t particularly mean to.
Leon was always ready to defend his choice of leggings from anyone brave enough to throw out a snide comment.
Murray subscribed to enough conspiracy theories to make his close friends fairly uncomfortable.
Dusty felt uniquely qualified for most triathlon events.
Saul was not properly equipped for surprise heat waves.
Alex was a bit of a loose cannon, so it was typically a good idea to give him a wide berth.
Niko was a lot more inspiring than he would ever realize.
Chester could ultimately see a lot more than he really wanted to, which led to him being a bit of a schemer.
Todd decided a long time ago to dress for the job he wanted. It hasn’t panned out super well.
Bear wasn’t nearly as much help in the kitchen as she assumed she was.
Bill might have taken his botany hobby a little too far.
Arthur was fairly annoying to most of his neighbors, even though he was convinced he was an important part of the ecosystem.
Jervis always felt pretty confident about his fashion choices.
Biff was a pretty lucky dude considering trips to the gym and the optometrist both tended to yield the same results.
Tabitha had a reputation for being fairly toxic.
Cletus was determined in his dream to be a barber, but was consistently puzzled why no one wanted to hire him.
Tim got confused pretty easily despite his excellent perception of his surroundings.
Neil wasn’t winning any beauty pageants, but honestly was a pretty nice guy overall.
Katie may have looked tough, but she really did have a soft spot for Valentine’s Day.
Kurt didn’t miss much around his household, much to the chagrin of would-be troublemakers.
Agatha had a pretty intense gaze, but was actually pretty chill once you got to know her.
Brad figured that vegetation growing on his back was likely a sign that he needed to lead a more active lifestyle.
Jeb wasn’t nearly as wise as he looked.
Nicholas may have been ready for the cold, but that didn’t mean he needed to like it.
Zach made sure his resolution every year was to just keep being awesome.